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Special Guest Improv Workshop with Dwayne Colbert and Brian James O'Connell!

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Join us for a very special improv workshop with some of the Titans of the Comedy Industry!

With nearly 50 years of combined experience, Emmy Winner Dwayne Colbert (Second City, The Pack Theater) & Slamdance Opening Night film director Brian James O'Connell (iOWest, Highwire Improv) will give you the tools & techniques you need to comprehend, control and course correct your improv scenes in real time.

Most improvisers just want to understand what happened with any scene and be able to more readily replicate the same positive moves in the future and this advanced scene based workshop is specifically designed for that purpose.

If you're ready for a ton of reps with loads of practical, no-frills advice for future success in your improv scenes, sign up today. Dwayne & BOC are here to help you run through the gamut of all the things that "work".


This workshop is available to anyone of all skill levels!

Sign Up!

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